Other List
Company List
Walls Store (historical), Unknown
Walls Store (historical) Unknown Johnson
Walls Store (historical)
Map Name
Date Created
Map Name
Date Created
Map Location For Walls Store (historical) Unknown (Johnson)
Additional Info for Walls Store (historical) Unknown (Johnson)
Locale - Center Point
Locale - Goose Camp
Locale - Hays Chapel
Locale - Sacred Heart
Locale - Pine Crest Camp
Locale - Sherwood Shopping Center
Locale - Chronister Store (historical)
Locale - Flat Rock
Locale - Flint Store
Locale - Low Gap
Locale - Mount Levi
Locale - Wolf Pen Recreation Area
Locale - Ozone Recreation Area
Locale - Pine Crest Camp
Locale - Buddhist Shrine
Locale - Horsehead Lake Campground and Picnic Area
Locale - University of Arkansas Experimental Farm
Locale - Lake Dardanelle State Fish Hatchery
Locale - Camp Reed
Locale - New Home
Locale - Lake of Egypt Recreation Area
Locale - Ondessonk Camp
Locale - Greenwood Mall
Locale - Margate Plaza
Locale - Hillview Country Club
Locale - Camp Cardinal
Locale - University of Iowa Observatory
Locale - Eastdale Mall
Locale - Johnson County Fairgrounds (historical)
Locale - Fox Run Golf and Country Club
Locale - Zoar
Locale - Palestine
Locale - Shoo Fly (historical)
Locale - Morfordsville
Locale - Seventy Eight
Locale - Belle Air
Locale - Chase (historical)
Locale - Bon Accord
Locale - Danforth (historical)
Locale - Roeland Park Shopping Center
Locale - 75th and Metcalf Shopping Center
Locale - Wycliff West Shopping Center
Locale - Windmill Square
Locale - Westwood Shops
Locale - Southgate Financial Center
Locale - West Park Shopping Center
Locale - Valley View Shopping Center
Locale - Trailwood Shopping Center
Locale - Trailridge Shopping Center
Locale - Tomahawk Shopping Center
Locale - Trail West Shopping Center
Locale - Stanley Station Center
Locale - Somerset Plaza
Locale - Shawnee Village Shopping Center
Locale - Shawnee Plaza
Locale - Shawnee Nieman Center
Locale - Nieman Plaza
Locale - Santa Fe Shopping Center
Locale - Ranch Mart South Shopping Center
Locale - Quivira Square
Locale - Four Colonies Shopping Center
Locale - Highland Village Shopping Center
Locale - Overland Station Shops
Locale - Orchard Corners Shopping Center
Locale - Oak Park Shopping Center
Locale - Nall Hills Shopping Center
Locale - Mission Mart Shopping Center
Locale - Metcalf 75 Shopping Center
Locale - Metcalf South Shopping Center
Locale - Met 75 Shops
Locale - Meadowbrook Village Shopping Center
Locale - Macy Mission Shopping Center
Locale - Lenexa Plaza
Locale - Lenexa Village Mall
Locale - Kenilworth Shops
Locale - Indian Creek Shopping Center
Locale - Glenwood Mall
Locale - Georgetown Marketplace
Locale - Country Hill Shopping Center
Locale - Corinth Square
Locale - Cherokee South Shopping Center
Locale - Cherokee Hills Shopping Center
Locale - Twin Trail Shopping Center
Locale - Scottdale Center
Locale - Rolling Ridge Shopping Center
Locale - Gibson Shopping Center
Locale - East Gate Shopping Center
Locale - Prairie Center (historical)
Locale - Stilson (historical)
Locale - Redclover (historical)
Locale - Glenn (historical)
Locale - Little Santa Fe (historical)
Locale - Princeton (historical)
Locale - Friends Mission (historical)
Locale - Shawnee Mission (historical)
Locale - Camp Towanyak
Locale - Milburn Golf Club
Locale - Homestead Country Club
Locale - Indian Hills Country Club
Locale - Kansas City Country Club
Locale - Mission Hills Country Club
Locale - Nall Hills Country Club
Locale - Meadowbrook Country Club
Locale - Brookridge Country Club
Locale - Westbrook Country Club
Locale - Leawood South Country Club
Locale - Meadow Lake Country Club
Locale - B U Cabin
Locale - Boons Camp
Locale - Fish Trap
Locale - River
Locale - Paintsville Golf Course
Locale - Camp Bob White
Locale - Camp Red Cedar
Locale - Camp Shawnee
Locale - Charles (historical)
Locale - Aubrey
Locale - Dean (historical)
Locale - Scott
Locale - Northpark Shopping Center
Locale - Big 'T' Shopping Center
Locale - Air (historical)
Locale - Bluff Spring Settlement (historical)
Locale - Bolejacks Mill (historical)
Locale - Burnett Station (historical)
Locale - California Ford (historical)
Locale - Daughertys Mill (historical)
Locale - Davis Mill (historical)
Locale - Doran (historical)
Locale - Eureka Mills (historical)
Locale - Fedit Mill (historical)
Locale - Globe (historical)
Locale - Hackneys Mill (historical)
Locale - Halls Store (historical)
Locale - Howards Mill (historical)
Locale - Huff Settlement (historical)
Locale - Jacksons Mill (historical)
Locale - Jerome Greers Mill (historical)
Locale - Longacres Mill (historical)
Locale - Magnolia Mill (historical)
Locale - Mulkey Settlement (historical)
Locale - Norris Mill (historical)
Locale - Paul Town (historical)
Locale - Scott Neighborhood (historical)
Locale - Scotts Mill (historical)
Locale - Wades Mill (historical)
Locale - Walls Store (historical)
Locale - Harrodsburg (historical)
Locale - Nissen Spur
Locale - Gregg Boat Dock
Locale - Roan Creek Boat Dock
Locale - Doe Station (historical)
Locale - Larsens Landing
Locale - Bakers Gap
Locale - Key Station
Locale - Fishermans Paradise
Locale - Riverview Golf Club
Locale - Redchain Research Farm
Locale - Adrian Ranch
Locale - Armstrong Cabin
Locale - Arndt Ranch
Locale - Bar C Ranch
Locale - Beaver Creek Ranch
Locale - Blue Creek Ranch
Locale - Brack Cabin
Locale - Brock Camp
Locale - Brock Cowcamp
Locale - Brown Ranch
Locale - Burdick Ranch
Locale - Butts Ranch
Locale - Canyon Campground
Locale - Cellers Ranch
Locale - Chabot Ranch
Locale - Christensen Ranch
Locale - Chubb and Lloyd Ranch
Locale - Comer Ranch
Locale - Condit Ranch
Locale - Crain Ranch
Locale - Crazy Woman Battlefield Historical Mark
Locale - Crazy Woman Campground
Locale - Crazy Woman Ranch
Locale - Crutchet Ranch
Locale - D Cross Ranch
Locale - D Ranch
Locale - Davis Ranch
Locale - Dobrenz Ranch
Locale - Drew Ranch
Locale - Dry Fork Ranch
Locale - Dry Vee Cabin
Locale - Dry Vee Windmill
Locale - Dugout Ranch
Locale - E Meike Ranch
Locale - E Patterson Ranch
Locale - E-la-ka-wee Camp
Locale - Eklund J 3 Ranch
Locale - Elm Ranch
Locale - Elmer Rinker Homestead
Locale - Everson Cabin
Locale - Falxa Camp
Locale - Fauber Ranch
Locale - Fisher Ranch
Locale - Flynn Ranch
Locale - Fort Phil Kearny Historical Site
Locale - Fort Reno
Locale - Four Corners
Locale - Garrett Cow Camp
Locale - Garrett Ranch
Locale - Ghent Homestead
Locale - Gibbs Cabin
Locale - Gibbs Ranch
Locale - Gordon Ranch
Locale - Gordons Camp
Locale - Gordons Cowcamp
Locale - Gosney Ranch
Locale - Gosney Ranch
Locale - Goyhenex Ranch
Locale - Graves Ranch
Locale - H Meike Ranch
Locale - Haines Ranch
Locale - Hanson Sawmill
Locale - Hat Ranch
Locale - Hess Cabin
Locale - Highland Park Campground
Locale - Hoe Ranch
Locale - Hole-in-the-Wall Windmill
Locale - Hull Ranch
Locale - Indart Ranch
Locale - Indian Creek Ranch
Locale - Irigaray Ranch
Locale - Irvine Cow Camp
Locale - Irvine Shearing Camp
Locale - Jack Payne Ranch
Locale - Jarrard Ranch
Locale - Johnson Ranch
Locale - Koch Ranch
Locale - Kuiper Ranch
Locale - Lindar Cabin
Locale - Losey Ranch
Locale - Lund Ranch
Locale - Lund Sheep Camp
Locale - Martirena Ranch
Locale - Matthews Ranch
Locale - Mayor Ranch
Locale - Meadow Creek
Locale - Melke Brothers Ranch
Locale - Moore Ranch
Locale - Muddy Creek Cow Camp
Locale - Nichols Ranch
Locale - Noland Cabin
Locale - Norris Graves Ranch
Locale - North Meadow Creek Camp
Locale - O'Conner Ranch
Locale - Old Kos Ranch
Locale - Osborn Ranch
Locale - P Meike Ranch
Locale - Payseno Ranch
Locale - Perry Cabin
Locale - Poker Creek Ranch
Locale - Provence Ranch
Locale - Ramsbottom Cowcamp
Locale - Ramsbottom Ranch
Locale - Reculusa Ranch
Locale - Robinson Ranch
Locale - Roehm Ranch
Locale - Roy Rinker Homestead
Locale - Simmons Homestead
Locale - Smith Cabin
Locale - Smith Cabins
Locale - Smith Ranch
Locale - Smith Ranch
Locale - Snyder Ranch
Locale - Spangler Cabin
Locale - Streeter Ranch
Locale - Sussex Repressuring Plant
Locale - T A Ranch
Locale - Taylor Brothers Sheep Camp
Locale - Taylor Ranch
Locale - Taylor Ranch
Locale - The Arch
Locale - Thompson Ranch
Locale - Tillman Ranch
Locale - Tipperary Ranch
Locale - Tom B Carr Scout Camp
Locale - Trabing
Locale - TTT Ranch
Locale - Turk Ranch
Locale - U T Ranch
Locale - Ullery Ranch
Locale - Urruty Ranch
Locale - Vest Ranch
Locale - Williams Ranch
Locale - Willow Glen Ranch
Locale - Wilson Ranch
Locale - Winingar Cabin
Locale - Wolcott Ranch
Locale - Z L Bar Ranch
Locale - Zigweid Ranch
Locale - Muddy Creek Guard Station
Locale - Fourmile Ranch
Locale - County Youth Camp
Locale - Cross Creek Campground
Locale - Cross H Cow Camp
Locale - French Creek Cow Camp
Locale - H F Bar Ranch
Locale - Hepp Cow Camp
Locale - Hettinger Picnic Area
Locale - Hunter Ranger Station
Locale - Klondike Ranch
Locale - Lake Geneva Campground
Locale - Lower Doyle Creek Campground
Locale - Lucasta Camp
Locale - Middle Fork Campground
Locale - North Fork Picnic Area
Locale - Paradise Ranch
Locale - Penrose Guard Station
Locale - Saint Louis Cabins
Locale - Sourdough Campground
Locale - South Fork Campground
Locale - Spear-O-Wigwam Resort
Locale - The Pines
Locale - The Speedway
Locale - Tie Hack Campground
Locale - Trail Side
Locale - Wagon Box
Locale - North Fork Trailhead
Locale - Leigh Creek Trailor Dump Station
Locale - State Highway Maintenance Camp
Locale - Lost Cabin Campground
Locale - Circle Park Campground
Locale - Hunter Corral
Locale - Coffeen Park Campground
Locale - Wills Shanty
Locale - Pioneer Village Shopping Center
Locale - Rhea Forge (historical)
Locale - Blevins Forge (historical)
Locale - Dollars Station (historical)
Locale - Doughertys Forge (historical)
Locale - Duggers Forge (historical)
Locale - Goodens Forge (historical)
Locale - Howards Lower Forge (historical)
Locale - Howards Upper Forge (historical)
Locale - Kings Forge (historical)
Locale - Laurel Bloomery Forge (historical)
Locale - Murphys Lower Forge (historical)
Locale - Murphys Upper Forge (historical)
Locale - Old Bloomary Forge (historical)
Locale - Sand Spring Forge (historical)
Locale - Sandhill Forge (historical)
Locale - Wagners Forge (historical)
Locale - Ward Forge Number 1 (historical)
Locale - Ward Forge Number 2 (historical)
Locale - Wardens Forge (historical)
Locale - Wards Forge (historical)
Locale - Camp A-Hi-S-Ta-Di
Locale - Buck Ridge Campground
Locale - Fox Point Picnic Area
Locale - Hollins Spur (historical)
Locale - Scanlin Spur
Locale - Shawnee Correctional Center
Locale - Bear
Locale - Gage
Locale - Vesta (historical)
Locale - Lexington (historical)
Locale - Graf (historical)
Locale - Albany (historical)
Locale - Tecumseh
Locale - Tecumseh Country Club
Locale - Searcey Grain Company Elevator
Locale - Johnson County Fairgrounds Park Campground
Locale - Johnson County Fairgrounds
Locale - Sterling Village Park Campground
Locale - Sterling
Locale - Southeast Nebraska Co-operative Elevator
Locale - Farmers Cooperative Elevator Company Elevator
Locale - Cook (historical)
Locale - Saint Mary
Locale - Farmers Co-op Elevator
Locale - Elk Creek
Locale - Searcey Grain Company Elevator
Locale - Crab Orchard (historical)
Locale - Midway (historical)
Locale - Water Treatment Plant
Locale - Ives (historical)
Locale - Cou Falls
Locale - River Junction (historical)
Locale - Oakdale
Locale - Morse (historical)
Locale - Oasis (historical)
Locale - Elmira (historical)
Locale - Sandy Beach Campground
Locale - Devonian Fossil Gorge
Locale - Old Capitol Mall
Locale - Hi Point Golf Course
Locale - Fairview Golf Course
Locale - Wardway Plaza
Locale - Pepperwood Place Mall
Locale - Finkbine Golf Course
Locale - Coralville Edgewater Campground
Locale - Coralville Dam Complex Campgrounds
Locale - Coralville
Locale - Coral Ridge Mall
Locale - Lantern Park Plaza
Locale - Brown Deer Golf Course
Locale - Jolly Rogers Campground
Locale - Colony Country Campground
Locale - North Liberty
Locale - Quail Creek Golf Course
Locale - Oxford
Locale - Sleepy Hollow Campground
Locale - Lone Tree (historical)
Locale - Solon (historical)
Locale - Saddleback Ridge Golf Course
Locale - Sugar Bottom Campground
Locale - Lake MacBride Golf Course
Locale - Tiffin
Locale - Swisher
Locale - Tiffin East Bound Rest Area
Locale - Tiffin West Bound Rest Area
Locale - Hills (historical)
Locale - Johnson County Fairgrounds
Locale - Pleasant Valley Golf Course
Locale - Sycamore Mall
Locale - Royal Oak Country Club
Locale - Hickory Stick Golf Club
Locale - Johnson County Courthouse Square
Locale - Collista Railroad Station (historical)
Locale - Hager Hill Railroad Station (historical)
Locale - Henrietta Railroad Station (historical)
Locale - Supply House Railroad Station
Locale - Van Lear Junction
Locale - West Park Shopping Center
Locale - West Santa Fe Plaza
Locale - Wyandotte Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Westchester Square
Locale - Ten Quivira Shopping Center
Locale - Tower Plaza
Locale - Town Center Mall
Locale - Town Center Plaza
Locale - The Great Mall of the Great Plains
Locale - Valley View Shopping Center
Locale - Victory Hills Shopping Center
Locale - Windmill Square
Locale - West Market Shopping Center
Locale - Glenwood Plaza
Locale - Hawthorne Plaza
Locale - Haven Village
Locale - Hawthorne Plaza
Locale - Indian Creek Shopping Center
Locale - Lenexa Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Louisburg Square
Locale - Leawood Square Shopping Center
Locale - Martway Shops
Locale - Mission West Shopping Center
Locale - Mur Len Plaza
Locale - Monticello Shops
Locale - Monrovia Shops
Locale - Marty Shops
Locale - Mission Center Shopping Mall
Locale - Metcalf South Shopping Center
Locale - Northridge Plaza
Locale - Nall Hills Shopping Center
Locale - Oak Park Mall
Locale - Olathe Station
Locale - Olathe Landing Shopping Center
Locale - Plaza West
Locale - Parkway Plaza
Locale - Rosana Square
Locale - Roe Shops
Locale - Santa Fe Square Shopping Center
Locale - Stanley Station
Locale - Downtown Overland Park
Locale - Financial Plaza IV
Locale - Gateway 2000 Plaza
Locale - Silver City Shopping Center
Locale - Saint Andrew's Plaza
Locale - Somerset Plaza
Locale - Shawnee West Shops
Locale - Shawnee Station
Locale - Santa Fe Shopping Center
Locale - Santa Fe Shops
Locale - Times Square Shopping Center
Locale - Trailridge Shopping Center
Locale - 87 Quivira Plaza
Locale - 75th Street Shopping Center
Locale - Alpine Center
Locale - Arbor Creek Village
Locale - Alden Center
Locale - Boulevard Center
Locale - Broadway Plaza
Locale - Blackbob Marketplace II
Locale - College and Metcalf Plaza
Locale - College Square Shopping Center
Locale - Crossroads Shopping Center
Locale - Country Hill Shopping Center
Locale - Cambridge Shops
Locale - Commerce Square Shops
Locale - Cherokee Hills Shopping Center
Locale - Deer Creek Woods
Locale - Devonshire Village Shopping Center
Locale - Meridian Place Shopping Center
Locale - Mission Hills Office Center
Locale - Otte Golf Center
Locale - South Park Business Park
Locale - Valle Vista Golf Course
Locale - The Centre At Smith Valley Shopping Center
Locale - Walnut Ridge Golf Course
Locale - Market Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Park 800 Industrial Park
Locale - Precedent South Business Center
Locale - Red Roof Square Shopping Center
Locale - Sierra Business Center
Locale - Wilgro Shopping Center
Locale - Stewart "Red" Faught Stadium
Locale - Meridian Meadows Shopping Center
Locale - Pat Cleburne Municipal Golf Course
Locale - Brookhollow Business Park East
Locale - College Business Park
Locale - College Circle Business Park
Locale - College Crossover West Industrial Park
Locale - College West Business Park
Locale - Crossroads Industrial Park
Locale - Fry-Wagner Business Park
Locale - Loehmanns Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Mid America East Industrial Park
Locale - Mid America Industrial Park
Locale - Millcreek Business Center
Locale - Park-Len Industrial Estates
Locale - Parmalee Business Park
Locale - Pine Ridge Business Park
Locale - Pine Ridge West Business Park
Locale - Quivira Business Park
Locale - Renner Business Park
Locale - Seventy-Ninth Street Business Park
Locale - Southlake Business Park
Locale - Westbrook Business Park
Locale - Westbrook Village Shopping Center
Locale - Quarry Substation
Locale - Regan Plaza
Locale - Riley Substation
Locale - South Edgewater
Locale - Southcreek Business Park
Locale - Sunset Hill
Locale - Switzer Substation
Locale - Trailwinds Shops
Locale - Trailwoods Shopping Center
Locale - United Investors Park
Locale - University Park Office Park
Locale - Vickridge Park
Locale - Williams - Lighton Building
Locale - Wincrest Office Park
Locale - Windmill Village Office Park
Locale - Southridge Retail Center
Locale - Chapel Creek Golf and Country Club
Locale - Falcon Valley Golf Course
Locale - Bonner Springs Industrial Park
Locale - Cedar Creek Business Park
Locale - Overland Park Golf Club
Locale - Shawnee Center
Locale - Falcon Ridge Golf Course
Locale - Sycamore Ridge Golf Course
Locale - Shadow Glen Golf Club
Locale - Shawnee Golf and Country Club
Locale - Deer Creek Golf Club
Locale - Milburn Golf and Country Club
Locale - Oak Country Club
Locale - Interstate 35 and 119th Street Technology Park
Locale - Deerfield Business Park
Locale - Gateway Business Park
Locale - Rosehill Business Park
Locale - Kansas City Road Business Park
Locale - Lindenwood Business and Technology Center
Locale - Parkside Business Park
Locale - Corporate Ridge Office Park
Locale - Crosby Kemper Farm
Locale - Smiley's Golf Complex
Locale - Wycliff Center
Locale - Fox Hill Retail Center
Locale - Heatherwood Village Shopping Center
Locale - Stanley Square Shopping Center
Locale - Prairie Trails West Shopping Center
Locale - Mahaffie Retail Center
Locale - Heritage Square Shopping Center
Locale - Murlen Plaza
Locale - Scarborough Shopping Center
Locale - Nall Valley Shops
Locale - The Shops at Iron Horse Centre
Locale - Indian Trail Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Village Centre Shopping Center
Locale - Saint Andrews Golf Course
Locale - Hallbrook Golf Course
Locale - Windsor Square Shopping Center
Locale - Stoll - Park Center
Locale - Camelot Court Shopping Center
Locale - 119 Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - The Shops of Sedona
Locale - Overland Pointe Marketplace
Locale - Hy - Vee East Shopping Center
Locale - Metcalf Center
Locale - Market Square Center Shopping Center
Locale - Terrace Shops
Locale - Cornerstone Shopping Center
Locale - Nicklaus Golf Club at Lions Gate
Locale - Camden Woods Center
Locale - Lionsgate Market Place
Locale - Prairie Highlands Golf Course
Locale - Edgewater Crossing Shopping Center
Locale - South Keeler Business Park
Locale - Ironhorse Golf Club
Locale - Gardner Golf Course
Locale - Mahaffie Business Park
Locale - South Lake Technology Park
Locale - South Olathe Business Park
Locale - Lone Elm Industrial Park
Locale - The Golf Club of Kansas
Locale - Wolf Creek Golf Links
Locale - Leawood Executive Centre
Locale - Lenexa Business Plaza
Locale - Lenexa Industrial Park
Locale - Lionsgate Office Centre
Locale - Loiret Office Park
Locale - Lone Elm Industrial Park
Locale - Mark Plaza Center
Locale - Marybelle Business Park
Locale - Meadowbrook Executive Building
Locale - Metcalf View
Locale - Mid West Industrial Park
Locale - Mill Creek Plaza
Locale - Miller Industrial Park
Locale - Monticello Business Park
Locale - Monticello Industrial Park
Locale - Moonlight Business Center
Locale - Moonlight Business Park
Locale - Moore Business Park
Locale - New Century Business Center
Locale - North Lake Center
Locale - North Trail Industrial Park
Locale - Northwest Industrial Park
Locale - Oak Valley West
Locale - Olathe Plaza
Locale - Olathe Pointe Shopping Center
Locale - Olathe Station Shopping Center
Locale - One Hundred Forty - Third Street Booster Station
Locale - One Hundred Nineteenth Street Technological Park
Locale - Overland Market Place
Locale - Overland Trail Office Park
Locale - Park Plaza
Locale - Park Trace
Locale - Pinnacle Village Shopping Center
Locale - Prairie Village Municipal Office Complex
Locale - Randall Industrial Park
Locale - Regents Village
Locale - Renner Commerce Center
Locale - Renner Ridge Corporate Center
Locale - Reno Industrial Center
Locale - Ridgeview Marketplace
Locale - Ridgeview Plaza
Locale - Shawnee West Office Park
Locale - Shops of Sunnybrook
Locale - Southcreek Business Park
Locale - Southgate Retail Center
Locale - Southglen Shopping Center
Locale - Southland Industrial Park
Locale - Southwest Business Park
Locale - Switzer Substation
Locale - The Fountains Shopping Center
Locale - Town Center Business Park
Locale - Twenty - First Century Industrial Park
Locale - Spring Hill Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Timber Wolf Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - 119th and Quivira Office Park
Locale - Antioch Industrial Park
Locale - Attic Business Park
Locale - Bedford Business Park East
Locale - Bi - State Business Park
Locale - Blackbob Village Shopping Center
Locale - Blue Valley Business Center
Locale - Briarwood Professional Park
Locale - Brittany Hills Office Park
Locale - Brunn Business Park
Locale - Buffalo Ridge Center
Locale - Cedar Creek Corporate Park
Locale - Cedar Creek Plaza Shops
Locale - Chadwick Place
Locale - Citizens Plaza
Locale - Cole Industrial Park
Locale - College and Renner Corporate Center
Locale - College Park Commercial Center
Locale - College West Business Center
Locale - Commerce Terrace
Locale - Compass Corporate Center Building
Locale - Congleton Industrial Park
Locale - Conser Crossing
Locale - Continental Business Park
Locale - Corporate Lakes at Metcalf
Locale - Corporate Woods North Office Park
Locale - Country Meadows Industrial Park
Locale - Cross Pointe Business Center
Locale - Crossroads of Lenexa Shopping Center
Locale - Crown Business Park
Locale - Desoto Business Park
Locale - Dymon Industrial Center
Locale - Fenton Professional Plaza
Locale - Freeway Industrial Park
Locale - Frye Industrial Park
Locale - Gardner Retail Plaza
Locale - Georgetown Professional Plaza
Locale - Glenwood Business District
Locale - Greenview Place
Locale - Greenwood Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Greystone South Plaza
Locale - Griffin Industrial Park
Locale - Harold Street Waste Water Treatment Plant
Locale - Havencroft Industrial Park
Locale - Horn Business Center
Locale - Hy - Vee Business Park
Locale - Indian Creek Office Park
Locale - Jacobson Business Park
Locale - Jayhawk Commercial Center
Locale - Jeb Stuart Office Park
Locale - Jewett Business Park
Locale - Johnson County Transportation Center
Locale - K - 7 Industrial Park
Locale - Kansas Commerce Center
Locale - Kate Industrial Park
Locale - Kaye - Lynn Professional Plaza
Locale - L and N Industrial Park
Locale - La Paloma Plaza
Locale - Lackman Business Center
Locale - Landmark Business Park
Locale - Larson's Plaza
Locale - United Industrial Park
Locale - United Investors Park
Locale - Village Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Westmark Offices
Locale - Woodland Acres Industrial Park
Locale - Woodward Industrial Park
Locale - De Soto Chamber of Commerce
Locale - Fairway North Shops
Locale - Westwood Village Shopping Center
Locale - The Roe Shops
Locale - Oak Valley Shopping Center
Locale - Westbrooke Village Shopping Center
Locale - Switzer Shops
Locale - Oakbrooke Plaza
Locale - Four Winds Shops
Locale - Library Center Shops
Locale - The Market Shopping Center
Locale - Mark One Plaza
Locale - Somerset Plaza Shops
Locale - Glenwood Shops
Locale - ProLogis Park Shopping Center
Locale - Cherokee North Shopping Center
Locale - Barkley Square Shopping Center
Locale - Haven Village Center
Locale - Shannon Valley Shopping Center
Locale - Executive Hills Shopping Center
Locale - The Shops of Sunnybrook
Locale - The Shops at Corporate Woods
Locale - College Village Shopping Center
Locale - Dennis Avenue Shops
Locale - Cedar Point Shopping Center
Locale - Santa Fe Commons Shopping Center
Locale - Double Tree Center Shopping Center
Locale - Westerfield Landing Shopping Center
Locale - Santa Fe Mall
Locale - Santa Fe Place Shopping Center
Locale - Chester Street Shops
Locale - Avignon Village Shops
Locale - Broadmoor Square Shopping Center
Locale - Woodsonia West Shopping Center
Locale - North Ridgeview Shops
Locale - Leawood Shops
Locale - Lexington Center Shopping Center
Locale - Lexington Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - DeSoto Business Park
Locale - North Regency Park Center
Locale - Moonlight Commons Shopping Center
Locale - Spring Hill Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Shawnee Marketplace
Locale - Quivira 63 Shopping Center
Locale - Westglen Center
Locale - Ridgeview Falls Shopping Center
Locale - Roe 89 Shops
Locale - Bella Roe Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Santa Fe Shops
Locale - Shoppers Park
Locale - Alter Ego Center Shopping Center
Locale - Nigros 63rd West Shopping Center
Locale - Shawnee Business Center
Locale - Shawnee Station West Shopping Center
Locale - Shawnee Crossings Shopping Center
Locale - Monrovia Shops
Locale - Shawnee Parkway Plaza
Locale - Millcreek Center Shopping Center
Locale - Colony Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Park at Parker Shops
Locale - Southwest Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - East Side Landing Strip Shopping Center
Locale - Shannon Square Shopping Center
Locale - Jimmys Block Shopping Center
Locale - Santa Rosa Shopping Center
Locale - Moonlight Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - New Century Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Plaza Pointe Shopping Center
Locale - Monticello Village Shopping Center
Locale - The Shops at Shawnee
Locale - Stonebridge Shopping Center
Locale - Trailwest Shopping Center
Locale - Cloverleaf Addition Shopping Center
Locale - Clearview Village Wastewater Treatment Plant
Locale - DeSoto Water Treatment Plant
Locale - Edgerton Wastewater Plant
Locale - Gardner Bull Creek South Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Gardner Kill Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Gardner Little Bull Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Johnson County Blue River District Number 1 Wastewater Plant
Locale - Johnson County Douglas Smith Middle Basin Indian Creek Wastewater Plant
Locale - Johnson County Mill Creek Regional Water Treatment Facility
Locale - Johnson County New Century - Little Bull Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Johnson Nelson Complex Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Olathe Cedar Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility
Locale - Olathe Harold Wastewater Treatment Plant
Locale - Canary Creek Outdoor Cinema
Locale - MacKenzie Industrial Park
Locale - Midwest Commerce Center
Locale - North Shawnee Business Park
Locale - Waterford Glen Industrial Park
Locale - Woodland Acres Industrial Park
Locale - Cedar Creek Corporate Park East
Locale - Cedar Creek Corporate Park West
Locale - Compass Corporate Center
Locale - Crystal Springs Business Park
Locale - Deer Creek Commons
Locale - Highlands Village
Locale - Holliday Business Park
Locale - Iron Horse Office and Retail Park
Locale - Lenexa Village Square
Locale - Lionsgate Market Place
Locale - Millwood Business Park
Locale - Pine Ridge Business Park
Locale - Renner Ridge Corporate Park
Locale - Rosehill Executive Park
Locale - Southlake Technology Park
Locale - Sadlers Indoor Racing
Locale - Interstate 35 Weigh Station 23W
Locale - Interstate 35 Weigh Station 24W
Locale - Johnson County Fairgrounds
Locale - Farmers Union Co - Operative Company Grain Elevator Number 1
Locale - Copeland Hog Farm
Locale - Johnson County Landfill
Locale - Coralville Water Plant
Last Update
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Tutzona Rapids (historical)
Gila Rapids
Felton School (historical)
Lee School
Marianna Male and Female Institute (historical)
Lee School
Mulberry School (historical)
Lee School
Ball Point School (historical)
Lee School
Rosenwald School (historical)
Lee School
Oak Hall School (historical)
Lee School
Mars Hill School (historical)
Lee School
Yarbrough School (historical)
Lee School
Pine Fork School (historical)
Lee School
Harris School (historical)
Lee School
Brooks School (historical)
Lee School
El Dorado Female Institute (historical)
Union School
Lapile Academy (historical)
Union School
Norphlet General Hospital (historical)
Union Hospital
Arkinda School (historical)
Little River School
Bird School (historical)
Little River School
Bright Star School (historical)
Little River School
Davis School (historical)
Little River School
Endora School (historical)
Little River School
Flat Creek School (historical)
Little River School
French Academy (historical)
Little River School
Glendale School (historical)
Little River School
Goodwin School (historical)
Little River School
Gravelly School (historical)
Little River School
Greenhorn Academy (historical)
Little River School
Hicks School (historical)
Little River School
Homestead School (historical)
Little River School
Hoods Landing (historical)
Little River Locale
Hopewell School (historical)
Little River School
Hopson Negro School (historical)
Little River School
Hudson School (historical)
Little River School
Jones School (historical)
Little River School
Laynesport School (historical)
Little River School
Lippton School (historical)
Little River School
McIntyre School (historical)
Little River School
Millwood School (historical)
Little River School
Mount Moriah School (historical)
Little River School
Oak Hill School (historical)
Little River School
Ogden High School (historical)
Little River School
Pauley School (historical)
Little River School
Peytonville School (historical)
Little River School
Pine Prairie School (historical)
Little River School
Pleasant Hill School (historical)
Little River School
Rankin School (historical)
Little River School
Red Oak Grove School (historical)
Little River School
Richland School (historical)
Little River School
Richmond Male and Female Academy (historical)
Little River School
Rocky Comfort Academy (historical)
Little River School
Rocky Comfort High School (historical)
Little River School
Rocky Comfort Institute (historical)
Little River School
Saint Luke School (historical)
Little River School
Spring Hill School (historical)
Little River School
Unity School (historical)
Little River School
Wallace School (historical)
Little River School
Palmyra School (historical)
Lincoln School
Locust Grove School (historical)
Lincoln School
Lyell Seminary (historical)
Lincoln School
Friendship Academy (historical)
Lincoln School