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Company List
Tamarack Winter Sports Area, Huntington Lake
Tamarack Winter Sports Area Huntington Lake Fresno
Tamarack Winter Sports Area
Map Name
Huntington Lake
Date Created
Map Name
Date Created
Map Location For Tamarack Winter Sports Area Huntington Lake (Fresno)
Additional Info for Tamarack Winter Sports Area Huntington Lake (Fresno)
Locale - Academy
Locale - Baird Ranch
Locale - Baker Ranch
Locale - Barneich Ranch
Locale - Belmont Farms
Locale - Camp Chawanakee
Locale - Camp Seven
Locale - Cedar Heights Shopping Center
Locale - Chounet Ranch
Locale - Circle M Ranch
Locale - Cliff Bridge
Locale - Cliff Camp
Locale - Coit Ranch
Locale - College Square Shopping Center
Locale - Crown Valley Guard Station
Locale - Delilah Lookout
Locale - Durham Ranch
Locale - Fence Meadow Lookout
Locale - Figarden Shopping Center
Locale - Fresno Yard
Locale - Gramis Ranch
Locale - Hammonds Ranch
Locale - Harlan Ranch
Locale - Helm Ranch
Locale - Honor Farm
Locale - Humphreys Station
Locale - Kaktus Korner
Locale - Ketscher Ranch
Locale - Lakeview Picnic Ground
Locale - Lassotovitch Ranch
Locale - Liberty Farm
Locale - Los Deltos Ranch
Locale - Lyon and Hoag Ranch
Locale - Manchester Shopping Center
Locale - McCall Substation
Locale - McKenzie Guard Station
Locale - Metcalf Ranch
Locale - Midway Ranch
Locale - Mountain Rest Guard Station
Locale - Mowry Ranch
Locale - Muir Trail Ranch
Locale - Murietta Farm
Locale - Murphy Ranch
Locale - Musick Guard Station
Locale - Nance Ranch
Locale - Pilibos Ranch
Locale - Pincushion Mountain
Locale - Pinedale Siding
Locale - Rancheria
Locale - Rector Ranch
Locale - Rock House Guard Station
Locale - Hog Ranch
Locale - Holland Farm
Locale - Stoddard Ranch
Locale - Sunland Ranch
Locale - Traction Ranch
Locale - Trimmer Ranger Station
Locale - Vista Del Llano Farm
Locale - Winchell Cove Campground
Locale - Wolfson Ranch
Locale - Yearout Ranch
Locale - Airway Farms
Locale - Airway Farms
Locale - Aladdin Ranch
Locale - Allen Ranch
Locale - Archer Camp
Locale - Baker Ranch
Locale - Barlow Ranch
Locale - Benson-Davis Ranch
Locale - Boston Ranch
Locale - Calflax Ranch
Locale - Conn Ranch
Locale - Cuelho Ranch
Locale - Deadmans Corners
Locale - Dias Cabin
Locale - Diener Ranch
Locale - Domengine Ranch
Locale - Esrey Ranch
Locale - Farrell Ranch
Locale - Half Moon Ranch
Locale - Harnish Ranch
Locale - Harris Ranch
Locale - Hawkins Ranch
Locale - Holman Mill
Locale - Jacalitos Ranch
Locale - Joaquin Mill
Locale - Johnson Ranch
Locale - Jordan Ranch
Locale - Kreyenhagen Ranch
Locale - Kreyenhagen Ranch
Locale - Lillis Ranch
Locale - Matheson Ranch
Locale - McAvoy Ranch
Locale - Moore Cabin
Locale - Noble Ranch
Locale - O'Neill Ranch
Locale - O'Neill Ranch
Locale - Oilfields
Locale - Pasajero Farm
Locale - Pleasant Valley Ranch
Locale - Polder Ranch
Locale - Polvadero Ranch
Locale - Sandell Farms
Locale - Sommerville Farms
Locale - Sprague Cabin
Locale - Starkey and Erwin Ranch
Locale - Sunset Farms
Locale - Terry Ranch
Locale - Thomas Ranch
Locale - Three Corners
Locale - Tres Picos Farms
Locale - Van Dyke Ranch
Locale - Vernon Thomas Ranch
Locale - Vista del Llano Farms
Locale - Weeth Ranch
Locale - Westhaven Siding
Locale - Wheatville
Locale - Wilson Ranch
Locale - Woods Ranch
Locale - Zuburi Ranch
Locale - Lightning Corral
Locale - Marshall Station
Locale - Poso Farm
Locale - Sycamore Flat Campground One
Locale - Sycamore Flat Campground Two
Locale - Chaney Ranch
Locale - Auberry Guard
Locale - Azalea Campground
Locale - Bartons Resort
Locale - Black Rock Station
Locale - Bolsillo Campground
Locale - Boole Tree
Locale - Byles Johnson Camp
Locale - Camp Sixty One Campground
Locale - Camp Sixty One D Campground
Locale - Camp Fresno
Locale - Camp Oljato
Locale - Chamberlains Camp
Locale - Crystal Springs Campground
Locale - Daulton Station
Locale - Deer Creek Recreation Area
Locale - Dinkey Creek Ranger Station
Locale - Fish Camp
Locale - Heitz Meadow Forest Service Station
Locale - High Sierra Ranger Station
Locale - Hurley Fire Control Station
Locale - Island Park Recreation Area
Locale - Kaiser Diggings Forest Service Station
Locale - Kellers Ranch
Locale - Kip Camp
Locale - Lakeview Recreation Area
Locale - Lerona Fire Lane
Locale - Millwood
Locale - Miramonte Conservation Camp
Locale - Mono Creek Campground
Locale - Neffs Camp
Locale - Pine Flat Recreation Area
Locale - Pine Logging Camp
Locale - Qualls Camp
Locale - Todd Ranch
Locale - West Kaiser Campground
Locale - Clingans Junction
Locale - Upper Vermillion Campground
Locale - Cedarbrook Picnic Area
Locale - Pinehurst Work Center
Locale - McKinley Grove Picnic Area
Locale - Giagantea Campground
Locale - Buck Meadow Campground
Locale - Clydes Pack Station
Locale - Trapper Springs Campground
Locale - Oakie Bear Campground
Locale - Bald Mountain Lookout
Locale - Summit Meadow Campground
Locale - Glenn Meadow Forest Service Facility
Locale - Dinkey Creek Trailhead
Locale - Upper Dinkey Creek Campground
Locale - Lower Dinkey Creek Campground
Locale - Lower Dinkey Creek Campground
Locale - D and D Pack Station
Locale - Sawmill Campground
Locale - Soaproot Campground
Locale - Dinkey Creek Resort
Locale - Dinkey Fisherman Picnic Area
Locale - Dinkey Creek Work Center
Locale - Big Creek Administration Station
Locale - Tamarack Winter Sports Area
Locale - Florence Lake Resort
Locale - High Sierra Packstation
Locale - Jackass's Meadows Campground
Locale - Lost Valley Pack Station
Locale - Huntington Lake Lumber Company
Locale - Huntington Lake Resort
Locale - Dowville Picnic Area
Locale - Billy Creek Campgrounds
Locale - Will-O-The Wisp Resort
Locale - Cedar Crest Resort
Locale - Chinese Peak Ski Area
Locale - Ward Lake Campground
Locale - Florence Lake Campground
Locale - Mono Creek Packstation
Locale - Sample Meadow Campground
Locale - Catavee Campground
Locale - Eastwood Vista
Locale - Kokanee Campground
Locale - D and F Pack Station
Locale - Lakeshore Village Resort
Locale - Chicago Stump
Locale - Peterson Mill
Locale - Prescott Mill
Locale - Pine Ridge Ranger Station
Locale - Camp Edison Campgrounds
Locale - Dora Belle
Locale - Mountain Rest Station
Locale - Swanson Meadows Campground
Locale - Winfrey Campgrounds
Locale - Verplank Campground
Locale - Upper Kings Campground
Locale - Gravel Flat Cmapground
Locale - Mill Flat Campground
Locale - Mill Flat Campground
Locale - Camp Four and One Half
Locale - Camp Four and One Half Station
Locale - Camp Four Station
Locale - Camp Four
Locale - McKenzie Guard Station
Locale - Ten Mile Campground
Locale - Legger Flat Campground
Locale - Aspen Hollow Campground
Locale - Hume Forest Service Facility
Locale - Princess Campground
Locale - Bear Cove Picnic Area
Locale - High Sierra Edison Pack Station
Locale - Vermillion Valley Resort
Locale - Ely Forest Service Station
Locale - Mono Hot Springs Resort
Locale - Badger Flat Picnic Area
Locale - Badger Flat Campground
Locale - Croneys Camp
Locale - Portal Forebay Campground
Locale - Mono Hot Springs Campgorund
Locale - Lakeview Picnic Ground
Locale - Cats Head Campground
Locale - Nutmeg Campground
Locale - Oak Flat Campground
Locale - Ross Crossing Campground
Locale - Mount Tom Lookout
Locale - Black Mountain Lookout
Locale - Dinkey Trailhead
Locale - Perkins Camp
Locale - Grizzly Falls Picnic Area
Locale - Sheep Creek Campground
Locale - Sentinel Campground
Locale - Kings Cavern Geological Area
Locale - Camp Nineteen Station
Locale - Crown Valley Station
Locale - Logger Flat Campground
Locale - Aspen Hollow Campground
Locale - Powder Can Picnic Area
Locale - Ashlan Substation
Locale - Belmont Country Club
Locale - Blasingame Fire Control Station
Locale - Caruthers Substation
Locale - Chaney Pumping Station
Locale - Cheney Substation
Locale - City of Fresno Sewage Treatment Plant
Locale - Copper Substation
Locale - Fairfax Gin
Locale - Fig Garden Golf Course
Locale - Fort Washington Country Club
Locale - Fresno Airways Golf Course
Locale - Hammonds Substation
Locale - Herndon Substation
Locale - Kearney Substation
Locale - Kerman Substation
Locale - Mendota Substation
Locale - Millerton Lake Fire Control Station
Locale - Palm Lakes Golf Course
Locale - Panoche Substation
Locale - Piedra Substation
Locale - Pine Flat Dam Headquarters
Locale - Powerhouse
Locale - Powerhouse Number Two
Locale - Riverside Municipal Golf Course
Locale - San Joaquin Country Club
Locale - San Joaquin Substation
Locale - Sanger Substation
Locale - Savory Percolation Pond
Locale - Selma Speedway
Locale - Poso Canal Company Headquarters
Locale - Sunnyside Country Club
Locale - United States Dept Agriculture Horticultural
Locale - United States Experimental Station
Locale - Calflax Substation
Locale - Caliola Pumping Station
Locale - Cantua Substation
Locale - Coalinga Number Two Substation
Locale - Coalinga Pumping Station
Locale - Gates Substation
Locale - Huron Substation
Locale - Kettleman Station
Locale - Mack Pumping Station
Locale - Polvadero Country Club
Locale - Lakeview Cottages Resort
Locale - Landslide Campground
Locale - Rancheria Garage
Locale - La Jolla Ranch
Locale - Broadview Farms
Locale - Camino Ranch (historical)
Locale - Hanes Ranch (historical)
Locale - Twentysix Camp (historical)
Locale - Wahtoke Winery
Locale - Le Conte Ranger Station
Locale - Blasingame Ranch
Locale - Borland Ranch (historical)
Locale - Burrel Ranch (historical)
Locale - Central Ranch (historical)
Locale - Englebrecht Ranch
Locale - Golden Hoof Ranch (historical)
Locale - Kings County Development Company Farm Number 1 (historical)
Locale - Sanger Winery
Locale - Silaxo Farm (historical)
Locale - Temple Ranch
Locale - Towne Oil Station (historical)
Locale - Tufts Ranch (historical)
Locale - West Lake Ranch (historical)
Locale - Alcalde Ranch
Locale - Camp 7-C (historical)
Locale - Camp 25-D (historical)
Locale - Coalinga Sulphur Baths (historical)
Locale - Hugo Roberts Ranch (historical)
Locale - Marcelin Roberts Ranch
Locale - Sanderson Ranch
Locale - Blizzard Camp
Locale - Boulder Creek Campground
Locale - Lacy Camp
Locale - Lily Pad Campground
Locale - Lower Blayney Campground
Locale - McClure Meadow Ranger Station
Locale - Moore Boys Camp
Locale - Muir Trail Ranch
Locale - Voyager Rock Campground
Locale - Bear Cove Picnic Area
Locale - Blue Canyon Work Center
Locale - Camp EL-O-Win
Locale - Camp Kern
Locale - Camp Mary-Y-Mac
Locale - Camp Mirimichi
Locale - Duff Creek Campground
Locale - Gold Arrow Camp
Locale - Limestone Campsite
Locale - Pollard Camp
Locale - Rancheria Campground
Locale - Auberry Forest Service Station
Locale - Canyon View Campground
Locale - Camp Mo-Wa-Ha
Locale - Dorabelle Campground
Locale - Hume Lake Campground
Locale - Junction Vista Point
Locale - Landslide Campground
Locale - McGee Vista Point
Locale - Moraine Campground
Locale - Panoramic Point
Locale - Balch Powerhouse
Locale - Black Rock Campground
Locale - Camp Four Campground
Locale - General Grant Tree
Locale - Haas Powerhouse
Locale - Hume Lake Ranger Station
Locale - Kings River Powerhouse
Locale - Kirch Flat Campground
Locale - Sawmill Flat Campground
Locale - China Camp
Locale - College Campground
Locale - Deer Creek Campground
Locale - Kinnikinnick Campground
Locale - Vermilion Campground
Locale - Weldons Camp
Locale - White Bark Vista Point
Locale - Marmot Rock Campground
Locale - Blasinger Ranch
Locale - Blue Jay Ranch
Locale - Fancher Ranch
Locale - McLaglen Ranch
Locale - Redbank Ranch
Locale - Rolinda Station (historical)
Locale - Greeley Ranger Station (historical)
Locale - Miramonte Ranch
Locale - Prices Camp (historical)
Locale - Smith Ranch (historical)
Locale - Wildwood Farm
Locale - Bonanza Shopping Center
Locale - Clovis Shopping Center
Locale - Rodeo Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Sierra Pavillon Shopping Center
Locale - Sierra Vista Shopping Center
Locale - Tarpley Village Shopping Center
Locale - Western Village Shopping Center
Locale - Wild West Village Shopping Center
Locale - C and O Shopping Center
Locale - Crossroads Shopping Center
Locale - Lanmark Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Time Square Shopping Center
Locale - Ashlan Park Shopping Center
Locale - Best Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Dry Creek Shopping Center
Locale - First and Shaw Shopping Center
Locale - Fresno Fashion Fair Shopping Center
Locale - Fresno Shaw Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Gongs Shopping Center
Locale - Hoover Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Manchester Mall North Shopping Center
Locale - Northgate Shopping Center
Locale - Shaw City Shopping Center
Locale - The Vineyard Shopping Center
Locale - West Acres Shopping Center
Locale - Blue Oak Picnic Area
Locale - Grange Grove Picnic Area
Locale - Headliner Shopping Center
Locale - La Playa Picnic Area
Locale - Millerton Lake State Recreation Area Headquarters
Locale - Northwood Village Shopping Center
Locale - South Bay Picnic Area
Locale - South Finegold Picnic Area
Locale - Sunset Square Shopping Center
Locale - Victoria Walk Shopping Center
Locale - Forestiere Underground Gardens
Locale - Hume Lake Christian Camp
Locale - Powder Canyon Picnic Area
Locale - Sandy Cove Beach Picnic Area
Locale - Kerman Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Kerman Shopping Center
Locale - Valley Shopping Center
Locale - Cribari Winery
Locale - Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Hanoian Center Shopping Center
Locale - Eastgate Shopping Center
Locale - Kings Canyon Pavilions Shopping Center
Locale - Southgate Shopping Center
Locale - Sunnyside Shopping Center
Locale - Sunnyside Square Shopping Center
Locale - Sunnyside Town and Country Village Shopping Center
Locale - Sunnysides Country Club Village Shopping Center
Locale - Village Green Country Club
Locale - Selma Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Bitters Selma Shopping Center
Locale - Coalinga Shopping Center
Locale - College-High School Farm
Locale - Orange Cove Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Reedley Shopping Center
Locale - West Valley Shopping Center
Locale - Pinedale Assembly Center (historical)
Locale - Fresno Sanitary Landfill
Locale - Kudo Farms
Locale - Circle K Ranch
Locale - Leyland Farms
Locale - Nash Farms
Locale - Desert Acres Ranch
Locale - Lund Farms
Locale - Mulligan Farm
Locale - M And K Farms
Locale - A-G Sod Farms
Locale - Coalinga Feed Yard
Locale - Sunset Drive-In (historical)
Locale - Daddino's Egg Ranch
Locale - Belt Hatchery
Locale - American Avenue Landfill
Locale - A J Dairy
Locale - De Groot and Visser Dairy
Locale - Leonardo Brothers Dairy
Locale - Medeiros Dairy
Locale - Milky Way Dairy
Locale - Monteiro Brothers Dairy Number 1
Locale - Morning Star Dairy
Locale - Nash Farms Dairy
Locale - Ruann Dairy
Locale - Whitney Oaks Dairy
Locale - Goulart Dairy
Locale - A and M Farms Dairy
Locale - Areias Brothers Dairy
Locale - Bar 20 Dairy Number 2
Locale - Bar None Dairy
Locale - Coelho Farms Dairy
Locale - Fontes Dairy Farms Number 2
Locale - Green Valley Dairy
Locale - Hillview Dairy Farm
Locale - J and L Dairy
Locale - Machado Dairy
Locale - Maddox Dairy
Locale - Maple Dairy
Locale - Mount Whitney Dairy
Locale - Pacheco Dairy
Locale - Shady Acres Dairy Number 2
Locale - Souza's Dairy
Locale - Johann Dairy
Locale - Sweet Haven Dairy
Locale - Thommen Dairy
Locale - Vintage Dairy
Locale - Westside Ranch Dairy
Locale - Zonneveld Dairies Complex
Locale - Baker Farm
Locale - Langstraat Farm
Locale - Vang's Chicken Farm
Locale - Adamscows Dairy
Last Update
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