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Goforth Substation (historical), California City North
Goforth Substation (historical) California City North Kern
Goforth Substation (historical)
Map Name
California City North
Date Created
Map Name
Date Created
Map Location For Goforth Substation (historical) California City North (Kern)
Additional Info for Goforth Substation (historical) California City North (Kern)
Locale - Acebedo Ranch
Locale - Arrastre
Locale - Arvin Farm Labor Supply Center
Locale - Associated Oil Camp
Locale - Bacon Hills Area
Locale - Bickel Camp
Locale - Black Hills Corral
Locale - Blue Moon Ranch
Locale - Buena Vista Ranch
Locale - Burhans Ranch
Locale - Camp Condor
Locale - Camp Earl-Anna
Locale - Camp Kemeric
Locale - Canfield Ranch
Locale - Carlton Ranch
Locale - Carmel Ranch
Locale - Cliff
Locale - Cole Ranch
Locale - Colorado Camp
Locale - Cooper Ranch
Locale - Corn Camp
Locale - Cudahy Camp
Locale - Deep Wells Ranch
Locale - Deepwell Ranch
Locale - Desert Empire Fairgrounds
Locale - Devils Den
Locale - Douglas Ranch
Locale - Doyle Ranch
Locale - Dudley Ranch
Locale - Edwards Siding
Locale - Elk Grove Ranch
Locale - Estrada Ranch
Locale - Fairview School
Locale - Foothill High School
Locale - Galainena Ranch
Locale - Garces Circle
Locale - Garden City Station
Locale - Gerbracht Camp
Locale - Gilbert Campground
Locale - Gilbert Ranch
Locale - Goose Lake Ranch
Locale - Gordons Ferry
Locale - Greenfield Ranch
Locale - Hannah Ranch
Locale - Harrington Ranch
Locale - Hodgeman Ranch
Locale - Hog Camp
Locale - Holland Camp
Locale - Horseshoe Ranch
Locale - Jacks Camp
Locale - Kern County Industrial Farm
Locale - Lakeview Labor Camp
Locale - Las Yeguas Ranch
Locale - Lease Camp
Locale - Lease Camp
Locale - Levee Spur
Locale - Midway Oil Camp
Locale - Milham Farm
Locale - Mirasol Ranch
Locale - Munn Camp
Locale - North Gate
Locale - Oil Center
Locale - Owens Camp
Locale - Palomas Ranch
Locale - Piute Ranch
Locale - Poplar Grove Ranch
Locale - Poso Ranch
Locale - Quinn Ranch
Locale - Richfield Oil Pumping Station
Locale - Rock House (historical)
Locale - Schmidt Camp
Locale - South Gate
Locale - Southern Calif Gas Camp
Locale - Standard Oil Signa Station
Locale - Stockdale Ranch
Locale - Tejon Ranch
Locale - Temblor Ranch
Locale - The Loop
Locale - Thundering Herd Ranch
Locale - Tiger Flat Campground
Locale - Treadwell
Locale - Twisselmann Ranch
Locale - Villard Ranch
Locale - Villard Ranch
Locale - Vincent Ranch
Locale - Volcan
Locale - Wagon Wheel Ranch
Locale - West Antelope Station
Locale - West Camp
Locale - Western Water Country Camp
Locale - Wooden Shoe Annies Ranch
Locale - Woody Ranch
Locale - Yellow Aster Mill
Locale - Freeman
Locale - Honolulu Oil Main Camp
Locale - Petroleum Club
Locale - Standard Oil Camp One-C
Locale - Standard Oil Camp Eleven-C
Locale - Standard Oil Camp Five-D
Locale - Standard Oil Camp Nine-D
Locale - Campo Alto Campground
Locale - Santiago Corrals
Locale - Pleito Creek Campsite
Locale - Chula Vista Campground
Locale - Cherry Creek Campsite
Locale - Salt Creek Campsite
Locale - Camp Ten A
Locale - Camp Ten B
Locale - Camp Thirty Five-S
Locale - Camp Thirty Six-R
Locale - Camp Eight
Locale - Alder Creek Campground
Locale - Bloomfield Ranch (historical)
Locale - Boulder Gulch Campground
Locale - Breckenridge Campground
Locale - Browns Mill
Locale - Camp Dix (historical)
Locale - Camp Kaweah
Locale - Camp Nick Williams
Locale - Camp Trefoil Boy Scout Camp (historical)
Locale - Camp Yenis Hante
Locale - Carver and Bowen Ranch
Locale - Castro Ranch
Locale - Cedar Creek Campground
Locale - Davis Campground
Locale - Davis Forest Service Station
Locale - Democrat Hot Springs
Locale - East Side Launch Ramp
Locale - Faust Mill
Locale - French Gulch Lake Patrol Station
Locale - French Ranch
Locale - Fulton Station
Locale - Glennville Adobe
Locale - Goff Ranch
Locale - Granite Station
Locale - Harris Ranch
Locale - Havilah Forest Service Station
Locale - Hobo Campground
Locale - Hobo Forest Service Station
Locale - Hungry Gulch Campground
Locale - Isabella Marina Number Two
Locale - Klipstein Ranch
Locale - Landers Meadow Guard Station
Locale - Launch Area Number Seventeen
Locale - Launch Area Number Nineteen
Locale - Launch Area Number Two
Locale - Launch Ramp Number Sixteen
Locale - Lebec Oaks Ranch
Locale - Liebel Ranch
Locale - Live Oak Campground
Locale - Main Dam Campground
Locale - McIvers Cabin
Locale - Oak Flat Lookout
Locale - Old Likely Mill
Locale - Onyx Ranch
Locale - Paradise Cove Campground
Locale - Pioneer Point Campground
Locale - Raljon Ranch
Locale - Rankin Ranch
Locale - Rhymes Campground
Locale - Richbar Guard Station
Locale - Rio Bravo Ranch
Locale - Rose Station
Locale - San Emigdio Girl Scout Camp
Locale - San Emidio Ranch
Locale - Slippery Rock Picnic Area
Locale - Summit Forest Service Station
Locale - Tillie Creek Campground
Locale - Peterson Landmark Object
Locale - Cannell Meadow District Ranger Office
Locale - Gleason Ranch
Locale - White Mill
Locale - Evans Flat Campground
Locale - Shirley Meadow SKi Area
Locale - Breckenridge
Locale - South Fork Picnic Area
Locale - Camp Nine
Locale - Johns Ranch
Locale - Lightner Ranch
Locale - Breckenridge Mountain Lookout
Locale - Freedom Hill Ranch (historical)
Locale - Moon Ranch
Locale - Camp Fifteen
Locale - Kern Valley Airport
Locale - Russell Ranch
Locale - Flood Ranch
Locale - Myers Ranch
Locale - Double S Ranch
Locale - Cook Peak Lookout
Locale - Brady Ranch
Locale - Garfield
Locale - Kernvale
Locale - Mil Potrero Organization Campground
Locale - Happy Gulch Campground
Locale - Toad Springs Campground
Locale - Caballo Campground
Locale - Camp Alto Campground
Locale - Chula Vista Campground
Locale - Tecuya Campground
Locale - Saint Nichalos Campground
Locale - El Camino Pines Campground
Locale - Frontier Pines Campground
Locale - McGill Campground
Locale - Cherry Creek Campground
Locale - Salt Creek Campground
Locale - Bethany Pines Campground
Locale - Pleito Creek Rustic Campsite
Locale - Marian Campground
Locale - Manny Ranch
Locale - Smith Ranch
Locale - Democrat Fire Station
Locale - Lower Richbar Campground
Locale - Dougherty Ranch
Locale - Allen Ranch
Locale - Walser Ranch
Locale - Mills Ranch
Locale - Cannon Ranch
Locale - Burton Mill
Locale - Kernville Work Center
Locale - Riverkern Beach Picnic Area
Locale - Jordon Ranch
Locale - Rutledge Ranch
Locale - Sugarloaf Campground
Locale - Bony Witt
Locale - Frog Meadows Campground
Locale - John R Teerink Wheeler Ridge Punping Plant
Locale - Williams Ranch
Locale - Tungsten Chief Mill
Locale - Shead Ranch
Locale - Knox Ranch
Locale - Lazells Ranch
Locale - Beverly Gun Club
Locale - Gilbreath Gun Club
Locale - Goose Lake Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Gutzier Ranch
Locale - Hoover Ranch
Locale - Jim Hill Gun Club
Locale - Myer Ranch
Locale - Old Hart Station
Locale - Rowlee Ranch (historical)
Locale - Schleifer Ranch
Locale - Snow Goose Gun Club
Locale - Wyseur Ranch (historical)
Locale - Allen Ranch (historical)
Locale - Breckenridge Fire Tower
Locale - Gundry Ranch (historical)
Locale - Shead Ranch
Locale - Tungsten Chief Mill (historical)
Locale - White Wolf Ranch (historical)
Locale - Kimberlina Ranch
Locale - Raymond-Souche Ranch
Locale - A D Edmonston Pumping Plant
Locale - Antelope Pumping Station
Locale - B and B Duck Club
Locale - Bakersfield Country Club
Locale - Bitterwater Pumping Station
Locale - Borel Powerhouse
Locale - Brockamp Duck Club
Locale - Buena Vista Pumping Plant
Locale - Burbank Gun Club
Locale - California Correctional Institute
Locale - Camelot Golf Course
Locale - Carneros Pumping Station
Locale - China Lake Golf Club
Locale - Cottonwood Pumping Station
Locale - Donald Duck Gun Club
Locale - Dust Bowl Duck Club
Locale - El Cinco Gun Club
Locale - Emidio Pumping Station
Locale - Golden Hills Golf Course
Locale - Hillcrest Gun Club
Locale - Junction Pumping Station
Locale - Kennedy Viewing Stands
Locale - Kern City Golf Course
Locale - Lakeview Duck Club
Locale - Lebec Pumping Station
Locale - Lokern Pumping Station
Locale - Los Amigos Gun Club
Locale - Los Patos Gun Club
Locale - Marila Gun Club
Locale - Meadowbrook Gun Club
Locale - Mesquite Hunting Club
Locale - Middlewater Pumping Station
Locale - Midway Pumping Station
Locale - Pasuza Gun Club
Locale - Pintail Duck Club
Locale - Rancho Del Los Patos Duck Club
Locale - Rio Bravo Pumping Station
Locale - Semitropic Substation
Locale - Sierra Gun Club
Locale - Smyrna Substation
Locale - Stockdale Country Club
Locale - Superior Gun Club
Locale - Temblor Pumping Station
Locale - Ten Section Refinery
Locale - Tulare Gun Club
Locale - Twentieth Century Fish and Gun Club
Locale - Universal Gun Club
Locale - Visalia Gun Club
Locale - Wasco Sewage Disposal
Locale - Webfoot Duck Club
Locale - Westminster Duck Club
Locale - Widgeon Gun Club
Locale - Wilkinson Gun Club
Locale - Willow Springs Raceway
Locale - Ira J Chrisman Wind Gap Pumping Plant
Locale - Frog Meadows Guard Station
Locale - Pine Mountain Club Golf Course
Locale - Bob Rabbit Place
Locale - Alexander Fish Ranch (historical)
Locale - Banducci Ranch (historical)
Locale - Buttonwillow Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Doheny Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Doyle Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Essex Camp (historical)
Locale - Falcon Fliers Club (historical)
Locale - General Petroleum Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Gilbert Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Hayes Ranch (historical)
Locale - Hollywoodvale Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Kern Lake Ranch (historical)
Locale - Lakeside Ranch
Locale - Loscal Gun Club (historical)
Locale - McKittrick Ranch
Locale - Miller and Lux Headquarters Ranch (historical)
Locale - Miramonte Ranch
Locale - Munzer School (historical)
Locale - Old Headquarters Ranch (historical)
Locale - Pentland Pumping Station (historical)
Locale - Pleito Ranch (historical)
Locale - Porterville Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Redmen Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Reynolds Ranch (historical)
Locale - Rosedale Station (historical)
Locale - Sicarte Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Symons Ranch
Locale - Teel Ranch
Locale - Tejon Substation (historical)
Locale - Thirty Five-R Gas Plant
Locale - Tupman Camp
Locale - Una Siding (historical)
Locale - Western Mineral Camp (historical)
Locale - Westfield Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Willow Grove Ranch (historical)
Locale - Angelus Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Fowler Ranch (historical)
Locale - San Joaquin Gun Club
Locale - Westlake Gun Club (historical)
Locale - Crystal Wells Gun Club (historical)
Locale - De Stanzo Ranch (historical)
Locale - Ganso Bravo Ranch (historical)
Locale - Oasis Duck Club (historical)
Locale - Bowen Ranch
Locale - Camp Mountain Meadows
Locale - Arnold Ranch
Locale - Benner Ranch
Locale - Dove Spring Mill (historical)
Locale - Dove Spring Ranch (historical)
Locale - Miller Ranch (historical)
Locale - Piute Lookout
Locale - Suburu Ranch (historical)
Locale - The George Lodge (historical)
Locale - Big Blue Mill (historical)
Locale - Bradys Pack Station (historical)
Locale - Carr Ranch (historical)
Locale - Democrat Guard Station (historical)
Locale - Doyle Ranch (historical)
Locale - Shirley Meadow Campground
Locale - Stayer Ranch (historical)
Locale - Walker Pass Campground
Locale - Woodford Ranch (historical)
Locale - Barnes Ranch (historical)
Locale - Basque Encino
Locale - Brodines Ranch
Locale - Browning Ranch
Locale - Cluff Ranch
Locale - Crofton Ranch
Locale - Cummings Ranch
Locale - Grand Oaks Ranch
Locale - Hall Ranch
Locale - Indian Hill Ranch
Locale - Jameson Ranch
Locale - Madison Lodge (historical)
Locale - Meadowbrook Farm
Locale - Overton Ranch
Locale - Quinn Ranch
Locale - Sanbergs Lodge (historical)
Locale - Sauls Ranch (historical)
Locale - Schamp Ranch
Locale - Spring Valley Farm
Locale - Stonybrook Retreat
Locale - White Oak Lodge (historical)
Locale - Jack Ranch (historical)
Locale - A M Cooper Ranch
Locale - Arkelo Ranch
Locale - Bellevue Ranch
Locale - Old Cooper Ranch
Locale - Compressor Station Number 40 (historical)
Locale - Kern County Police Radio Relay Station
Locale - Oak Glen Highway Maintenance Station (historical)
Locale - E Brown Ranch (historical)
Locale - Horned Toad Golf Club (historical)
Locale - East Camp (historical)
Locale - Gallup Camp (historical)
Locale - Garlock Station (historical)
Locale - Holloway Camp (historical)
Locale - Moore Ranch
Locale - Goforth Substation (historical)
Locale - Mendiburu Ranch (historical)
Locale - Muroc Junction
Locale - Pine Tree Aqueduct Station (historical)
Locale - Jacks Station (historical)
Locale - Sorrells Ranch (historical)
Locale - Weldons Ranch
Locale - Joe Santos Ranch (historical)
Locale - Quality Ranch
Locale - Gaskill Ranch
Locale - Heritage Square Shopping Center
Locale - Juniper Hills Country Club
Locale - Ridgecrest Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Shafter High School Farm
Locale - Sierra Vista Shopping Center
Locale - Summit Store (historical)
Locale - Tivoli Centre Shopping Center
Locale - Auxiliary Dam Campground
Locale - Brown Mill
Locale - East Side Camp Ground
Locale - French Gulch Marina
Locale - Isabella Point Boat Ramp
Locale - Kern Valley Marina
Locale - Kissack Cove Boat Ramp
Locale - North Fork Marina
Locale - Paradise Cove Boat Ramp
Locale - Tillie Creek Boat Ramp
Locale - Cecil Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Randolph Village Shopping Center
Locale - River Nook Campground
Locale - Delano Public Golf Course
Locale - Delano Village Shopping Center
Locale - Center Market Shopping Center
Locale - Highland Knolls Golf Course (historical)
Locale - North of the River Sewage Treatment Plant
Locale - Oildale Shopping Center
Locale - Camp Okihi
Locale - Chester Loop Shopping Center
Locale - East Hills Mall Shopping Center
Locale - East Hills Village Shopping Center
Locale - Hillcrest Shopping Center
Locale - Mesa Marin Raceway
Locale - Avenue Oaks Country Club
Locale - Best Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Builders Square Shopping Center
Locale - Ming Seven Golf Course
Locale - Stockdale Fashion Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Stockdale Village Shopping Center
Locale - Stockdale West Shopping Center
Locale - White Lane Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Casterisan Farms
Locale - College Shopping Center
Locale - Kern River Golf Course
Locale - Maddux Ranch (historical)
Locale - Rio Bravo Equestrian Center
Locale - Rio Bravo Ranch Golf and Tennis Club
Locale - Sagebrush Shopping Center
Locale - Benton Park Shopping Center
Locale - Brundage Square Shopping Center
Locale - The Village Center Shopping Center
Locale - Valley Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Valley Village Shopping Center
Locale - California Oak Shopping Center
Locale - Hall Mart Shopping Center
Locale - Mount Vernon Sewage Treatment Plant
Locale - Sewage Treatment Plant Number 2
Locale - Taft City Corporation Yard
Locale - Taft Hills Plaza Shopping Center
Locale - Valle Grande Public Golf Course
Locale - Westside Shopping Center
Locale - Adobe Station (historical)
Locale - Cottonwood Station (historical)
Locale - Towne Ranch
Locale - California City Public Golf Course
Locale - Aspen Mall Shopping Center
Locale - Indian Hill Ranch Campground
Locale - Silver Saddle Ranch and Country Club
Locale - Tierra del Sol Championship Golf Course
Locale - Boron Shopping Center
Locale - John Hartman Garage Area
Locale - Muroc Golf Course
Locale - Willow Springs Transportation Technical Center
Locale - Sundance Feedyard
Locale - Crest Drive-In (historical)
Locale - AJB Ranch Dairy
Locale - Ansonea Dairy
Locale - Aukeman Dairy
Locale - B and B Dairy
Locale - Bear Mountain Dairy
Locale - Bidart Dairy
Locale - Boschma and Sons Dairy
Locale - Costa Dairy Farms
Locale - Emerald Dairy
Locale - Goyenetche Dairy
Locale - Koostra Dairy Farms
Locale - Maple Dairy
Locale - Meritage Dairy
Locale - Western Sky Dairy
Locale - Maya Dairy
Locale - McMoo Farms Dairy
Locale - Newhouse Dairy
Locale - Oasis Holsteins Dairy
Locale - Palla Rosa Farms Dairy Number 3
Locale - Petrissans Dairy
Locale - Poso Creek Family Dairy
Locale - Richmar Farms Dairy
Locale - T and W Farms Dairy
Locale - Te Velde Dairy
Locale - Tjaarda Dairy
Locale - Vanden Berge Dairy
Locale - V B Ranch Dairy
Locale - Whiteside Dairy
Locale - Jai - Alai Dairy
Locale - Jer-Z-Boys Dairy Number 2
Locale - Rosa Dairy
Locale - Skyview Dairy
Locale - T and J Dairy
Locale - Twin Farms
Last Update
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