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Company List
Dixie (historical), Parker Mountain
Dixie (historical) Parker Mountain Klamath
Dixie (historical)
Map Name
Parker Mountain
Date Created
Map Name
Date Created
Map Location For Dixie (historical) Parker Mountain (Klamath)
Additional Info for Dixie (historical) Parker Mountain (Klamath)
Locale - Antelope Ranch
Locale - B K Corral
Locale - Barnes Valley Guard Station
Locale - Bieler Ranch
Locale - Big Springs Pump
Locale - Bodnar Ranch
Locale - Camp Four
Locale - Casebeer Ranch
Locale - Casebeer Ranch
Locale - Coleman Ranch
Locale - Dairy Pump
Locale - Dairy Siding
Locale - Devaul Ranch
Locale - Drews Ranch
Locale - Edgewood Ranch
Locale - Forty-one Ranch
Locale - Gem (historical)
Locale - Gerber Ranch
Locale - Glover Ranch
Locale - Hunt Ranch
Locale - Irwins Pump
Locale - Janssen Ranch
Locale - Johnson Ranch
Locale - Keno Guard Station
Locale - Keno Springs Ranch
Locale - Kitts Mill
Locale - McCartie Ranch
Locale - Naylox (historical)
Locale - Nichols Pump
Locale - Noble Ranch
Locale - Notch Corrals
Locale - O'Shea Cabin
Locale - Oriana Corrals
Locale - Round Grove Ranch
Locale - Paradise Ranch
Locale - Penny Spring Station
Locale - Ryan Cabin
Locale - Seven Springs Ranch
Locale - Sycan Fire Guard Station
Locale - Tulana Farms
Locale - Vinson Ranch
Locale - Wocus
Locale - Sprague River Park Recreation Site
Locale - Holland (historical)
Locale - Ady (historical)
Locale - Oreoil (historical)
Locale - Clinton (historical)
Locale - Willow Valley Campground
Locale - Gerber Reservoir South Recreation Site
Locale - Klamath State Fish Hatchery
Locale - Running Y Ranch
Locale - Klamath County Fairgrounds
Locale - Ponderosa Picnic Area
Locale - Mountain Lakes Organizational Camp
Locale - Odessa Recreation Site
Locale - Lodgepole Picnic Area
Locale - Reames Country Club
Locale - Adams Point
Locale - Conrad Place
Locale - Dehlinger (historical)
Locale - Egert Place
Locale - Horton (historical)
Locale - Hosley
Locale - Lone Rock Place (historical)
Locale - Lost River
Locale - Moyina (historical)
Locale - Parker Place (historical)
Locale - Sandhill Crossing
Locale - Schmore Place (historical)
Locale - Stukel
Locale - Teeters Landing
Locale - Texum (historical)
Locale - Anderson Cabin
Locale - Bartley Headquarters
Locale - Beal
Locale - Bear Flat Station
Locale - Beatty Station
Locale - Beaver Marsh
Locale - Black Rock Ranch
Locale - Braymill
Locale - Calamity Forest Camp (historical)
Locale - Camp Fourteen
Locale - Camp Esther Applegate
Locale - Camp Makualla
Locale - Camp McLoughlin
Locale - Camp Sa-wa-li-na-is
Locale - Camp Six
Locale - Cascade Summit
Locale - Cold Spring Camp
Locale - Cow Camp
Locale - Crater Lake Camp
Locale - Crater Lake Lodge
Locale - Crescent Siding
Locale - Crescent Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Crescent Lake
Locale - Crescent Lake Junction
Locale - Crescent Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Davis Lake Guard Station
Locale - Deep Creek Ranch
Locale - Diamond Lake Junction
Locale - Digit Point Recreation Site
Locale - Dry Creek Camp
Locale - Emigrant Crossing (historical)
Locale - Fort Klamath Junction
Locale - Fuego
Locale - Gilchrist Junction
Locale - Griffin Ranch
Locale - Halfway House
Locale - Harriman Lodge
Locale - Hoyt Ranch
Locale - Ivory Pine Mill
Locale - Jack Creek Corral
Locale - Jackson Creek Guard Station
Locale - Jamison Ranch
Locale - Johnson Barn
Locale - Johnson Meadow Guard Station
Locale - King Cole
Locale - King Spruce Camp
Locale - Kittredge Ranch
Locale - Lamm Camp
Locale - Lamms Camp
Locale - Lane Ranch
Locale - Lenz
Locale - Lenz Ranch
Locale - Lily Camp
Locale - Little River
Locale - Lone Pine
Locale - Long Lake Camp
Locale - Low Echo Camp
Locale - McCartie Ranch
Locale - McCready Ranch
Locale - McKie Camp
Locale - McKinley Ranch
Locale - Mowich
Locale - Obenchain Ranch
Locale - Odell Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Old Forest Camp
Locale - Pelican Guard Station
Locale - Pine Ridge
Locale - Porter Ranch
Locale - Princess Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Rafter Ranch
Locale - Ray Ranch
Locale - Riders Camp
Locale - Rock Creek Ranch
Locale - Rocky Ford
Locale - Royce Ranch
Locale - Seven C Ranch
Locale - Sevenmile Guard Station
Locale - Shaws Camp
Locale - Skeen Ranch
Locale - Solace Camp
Locale - Spring Forest Camp
Locale - Summers Ranch
Locale - Sunset Cove Recreation Site
Locale - Swede Cabin
Locale - Sycan Siding
Locale - Three Creek Guard Station
Locale - Tobin Cabin
Locale - Trout Creek Ranch (historical)
Locale - Umli
Locale - Wagon Trail Ranch
Locale - Watts
Locale - West Davis Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Wickiup Shelter
Locale - Wildcat Camp
Locale - Willow Campground
Locale - Wolff Ranch
Locale - Yainax Agency
Locale - Yamsay Guard Station
Locale - Yamsay Ranch
Locale - Log Cabin (historical)
Locale - Beaver Marsh Guard Station
Locale - Mazama Junction
Locale - Wakefield (historical)
Locale - Mud Spring Camp
Locale - Sevenmile Marsh Campground
Locale - Calor (historical)
Locale - Ivan (historical)
Locale - Tomahawk Ski Bowl (historical)
Locale - Sunset Campground
Locale - McCollum (historical)
Locale - Forest (historical)
Locale - Maggard (historical)
Locale - Parker (historical)
Locale - Idlerest (historical)
Locale - Agency Landing (historical)
Locale - Lobert (historical)
Locale - Scott Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Sand Creek Junction
Locale - Wocus Bay Guard Station
Locale - Skellock Guard Station
Locale - Cold Springs Campground
Locale - Crater Lake Ski Bowl
Locale - Yamsay (historical)
Locale - Sand Creek
Locale - Camp Six Guard Station
Locale - Sycan Ford
Locale - Sevenmile Marsh Trailhead
Locale - Fishhole Substation
Locale - Lee Adkins Place
Locale - Obenchain Ranch
Locale - BK Ranch
Locale - Campbell Ranch
Locale - North Fork Ranch
Locale - JC Collins Ranch
Locale - Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Substation
Locale - Boundary Springs Recreation Site
Locale - Royce Mountain Snow Park (historical)
Locale - Crescent Lake Guard Station
Locale - Crescent Lake Resort
Locale - Summit Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Corral Spring Forest Service Station
Locale - Great Meadows Recreation Site
Locale - Lake of the Woods Resort
Locale - Devils Flat Recreation Site
Locale - Pelican Fire Guard Station
Locale - Kodiac
Locale - Cold Springs Recreation Site
Locale - Crystal Springs Recreation Site
Locale - Crystal Spring Trailhead
Locale - Malone Springs Recreation Site
Locale - Sunset Recreation Site
Locale - Digit Point Trailhead
Locale - Annie Creek Sno-Park
Locale - Sugarpine Mountain Lookout
Locale - Mazama Sheep Corral
Locale - Long Prairie Corral
Locale - McKinney Ranch
Locale - Thielsen Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Surveyor Mountain Recreation Site
Locale - Head of the River Recreation Site
Locale - Mount Scott Lookout
Locale - Lost Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Jackson Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Klamath Junction
Locale - Lower Walker Quarry
Locale - Klamath County Dump
Locale - Stuart Falls Camp
Locale - Lucky Camp
Locale - Rim Village Picnic Area
Locale - Tandy Bay Recreation Site
Locale - Pebble Bay Recreation Site
Locale - Willamette Pass Ski Area
Locale - Trapper Creek Recreation Site
Locale - Mazama Campground
Locale - East Davis Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Cottonwood Camp
Locale - Currier Guard Station
Locale - Simax Group Camp
Locale - Shevlin (historical)
Locale - Tranquil Cove Recreation Site
Locale - Shevlin (historical)
Locale - Camp Makualla
Locale - Whitefish Horse Camp
Locale - Dixie (historical)
Locale - Emigrant Crossing
Locale - Lamm Crossing
Locale - Military Crossing
Locale - Pikes Crossing Recreation Site
Locale - Aspen Point Recreation Site
Locale - White Pine Campground (historical)
Locale - Rainbow Bay Recreation Site
Locale - Fourmile Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Fremont (historical)
Locale - Rosedale (historical)
Locale - Squirrel Camp
Locale - Beaver Marsh Safety Rest Area
Locale - Contorta Point Recreation Site
Locale - S'Ocholis Campground (historical)
Locale - Oux-Kanee Recreation Site
Locale - Bray Mill (historical)
Locale - Wood River Recreation Site
Locale - Pothole Well Guard Station
Locale - Yainax Guard Station
Locale - Blue Lake Camp
Locale - Pear Lake Camp
Locale - Carney Lake Camp (historical)
Locale - Meadow Lake Camp
Locale - Rogue Head Camp
Locale - Pelican Bay Camp (historical)
Locale - Raymonds Camp (historical)
Locale - Oatman Junction
Locale - Jones Number 2 Pump
Locale - Lytle Pump
Locale - United States Bureau of Reclamation Pumping Plant E
Locale - United States Bureau of Reclamation Pumping Plant F
Locale - Williamson River Pumping Plant
Locale - John C Boyle Power Plant
Locale - West Switchback (historical)
Locale - Klamath Falls Yard
Locale - Kotan (historical)
Locale - Lumberton (historical)
Locale - Martin (historical)
Locale - Ouxy (historical)
Locale - Pelican (historical)
Locale - Warco (historical)
Locale - Harriman Lodge (historical)
Locale - Ritter (historical)
Locale - Spring Lake (historical)
Locale - Sycan (historical)
Locale - Calimus
Locale - Chinchalo
Locale - Diamond Lake
Locale - Mazama
Locale - Merrill Siding
Locale - Yamsay
Locale - Paunina (historical)
Locale - Algoma Siding
Locale - Hemlock Lake Campground
Locale - Wilson Ranch
Locale - Round Grove Weather Station
Locale - Walker Mountain Lookout station
Locale - Pankey Ranch
Locale - North Entrance Crater Lake National Park
Locale - Klamath County Dump
Locale - B K Ranch
Locale - South Entrance Crater Lake National Park
Locale - Corral (historical)
Locale - Malin Station
Locale - South Klamath (historical)
Locale - Green Springs Junction
Locale - Chelsea
Locale - Bieber Line Junction
Locale - Crater Lake National Park Headquarters
Locale - Rim Village
Locale - Swan (historical)
Locale - Gerber Reservoir North Recreation Site
Locale - Old Pelican Bay Camp (historical)
Locale - Bly Siding
Locale - Northfork
Locale - Picnic Area Number Two
Locale - Oux-Kanee Overlook
Locale - Yainax Forest Service Station
Locale - Swan Lake (historical)
Locale - Hildebrand Station (historical)
Locale - East Switchback (historical)
Locale - Sycan (historical)
Locale - Kesterson Spur (historical)
Locale - North Fork (historical)
Locale - Agency Lake Resort
Locale - Crescent Lake Sno-Park
Locale - Junction Sno-Park
Locale - Simax Beach Recreation Site
Locale - Windy Group Camp
Locale - Corral Springs Recreation Site
Locale - Rocky Point Recreation Site
Locale - Summit Sno-Park
Locale - Walt Haring Sno-Park
Locale - Midland Safety Rest Area
Locale - Kiger Stadium
Locale - Klamath Falls Sports Complex / Skatepark
Locale - Barnes Valley Boat Ramp
Locale - Bly Trailhead
Locale - Deming Creek Trailhead
Locale - Frog Camp Recreation Site
Locale - Miller Creek Camp
Locale - Pitch Log Recreation Site
Locale - Potholes Camp
Locale - Stan H Springs Camp
Locale - Sycan Siding Trailhead
Locale - Wildhorse Recreation Site
Locale - Klamath Hills Trailhead
Locale - Black Hills Guard Station
Locale - Crescent Lake Recreation Site
Locale - Malin Sewage Treatment Lagoons
Locale - Bly Sanitary District Treatment Lagoons
Locale - Klamath Falls Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility
Locale - Chiloquin Sewage Treatment Facility
Locale - Airport - Kinsgley Field Wastewater Treatment Plant
Locale - Merrill Wastewater Treatment Lagoons
Locale - South Suburban Sanitary District Sewage Treatment
Locale - Gilchrist Sewer Company
Locale - Round Lake Utilities Wastewater Treatment Lagoons
Locale - Town of Bonanza Sewage Treatment Lagoons
Locale - Spring Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Sunset Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Monroe Park Marina Boat Ramp 1
Locale - Monroe Park Marina Boat Ramp 2
Locale - Veterans Memorial Park Boat Ramp
Locale - Veterans Memorial Park Outdoor Stage
Locale - Interfor Pacific Gilchrist Biomass Facility
Locale - Klamath Generation Project
Locale - John F Moehl Stadium
Locale - Kiger Stadium
Locale - John Hancock Events Center Indoor Arena
Locale - Klamath County Fairgrounds Indoor Arena
Locale - Klamath County Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena
Locale - Klamath County Fairgrounds Outdoor Stage
Locale - Basin Transit Service Fairgrounds Transit Center
Locale - Basin Transit Service Downtown Transit Center
Locale - Odell Lake Resort Boat Ramp
Locale - Princess Creek Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Trapper Creek Boat Ramp
Locale - Shelter Cove Boat Ramp
Locale - Rainbow Bay Boat Launch
Locale - Aspen Point Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Crescent Lake Resort Boat Ramp
Locale - Sunset Cove Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Summit Lake Boat Launch
Locale - Digit Point Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Petric Park Boat Ramp
Locale - Henzel Park Boat Ramp
Locale - Agency Lake Resort Boat Ramp
Locale - Malone Springs Boat Ramp
Locale - Rocky Point Resort Boat Launch
Locale - Odessa Campground Boat Launch
Locale - Eagle Ridge Boat Launch
Locale - Wocus Bay Boat Ramp
Locale - Hagelstein Park Boat Ramp
Locale - Fourmile Lake Boat Ramp
Locale - Chiloquin Boat Access
Locale - Waterwheel Campground Boat Launch
Locale - Barnes Valley Boat Launch
Locale - North Gerber Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - South Gerber Campground Boat Ramp
Locale - Topsy Boat Ramp
Locale - Pioneer Park Boat Ramp
Locale - Keno Recreation Area Boat Ramp
Locale - Miller Island Boat Ramp
Locale - Crystal Springs Boat Ramp
Locale - Willow Valley Boat Ramp
Locale - Klamath Falls Greyhound Station
Last Update
Related Companies
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