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Lakeside Historic District, Kelleys Island
Lakeside Historic District Kelleys Island Ottawa
Lakeside Historic District
Map Name
Kelleys Island
Date Created
Map Name
Date Created
Map Location For Lakeside Historic District Kelleys Island (Ottawa)
Additional Info for Lakeside Historic District Kelleys Island (Ottawa)
Park - Luke Park
Park - Ottawa County State Park
Park - Ottawa State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area
Park - Rock City
Park - Aman Park
Park - American Legion Memorial Park
Park - Bolt Park
Park - Central Park
Park - Columbia Park
Park - Duncan Park
Park - Eastern Park
Park - Grand Haven State Game Area
Park - Grand Haven State Park
Park - Hatton Park
Park - Hofma Park
Park - Holland State Park
Park - Kelly Park
Park - Kollen Park
Park - Lincoln Park
Park - Mulligans Hollow Park
Park - North Beach Park
Park - Pigeon Creek Park
Park - Prospect Park
Park - Riverside County Park
Park - Robinson Park
Park - Sluka Park
Park - Crane Creek State Park
Park - East Harbor State Park
Park - Lakeview Park
Park - Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Park - South Bass Island State Park
Park - Toussaint Creek Wildlife Area
Park - Turtle Creek Lake Area
Park - Perry Park
Park - Catawba Island State Park
Park - Magee Marsh Wildlife Area
Park - Foundation Park
Park - Francis Park
Park - Lakeside Historic District
Park - Little Portage River Wildlife Area
Park - Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial
Park - Harrell Park
Park - Riverview Park
Park - Taylor Park
Park - Torbert Park
Park - Twin Bridges State Park
Park - Van Bragt Park
Park - Bicentennial Memorial Park
Park - Central Park
Park - Macatawa Park
Park - Jenison Park
Park - Port Sheldon Park
Park - Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve
Park - DeRivera Park
Park - Hughes Park
Park - Spring Grove Park
Park - Deer Creek County Park
Park - Grose Park
Park - VanSteeland Arboretum
Park - Blending Landing Historical Marker
Park - Interurban Depot Historical Marker
Park - Jenison Museum Historical Marker
Park - Central School Historical Marker
Park - Grand Trunk Depot Historical Marker
Park - Highland Park Association Historical Marker
Park - Khardomah Lodge Historical Marker
Park - Susan Hill Yerkes Historical Marker
Park - Shipwrecks and the Coast Guard Historical Marker
Park - The Escanaba Historical Marker
Park - Cappon House Historical Marker
Park - Isaac Cappon Historical Marker
Park - Central Avenue Christian Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Central Park Chapel Historical Marker
Park - Dutch in Michigan Historical Marker
Park - First United Methodist Church Historical Marker
Park - Holland City Hall and Firehouse Number Two Historical Marker
Park - Holland Post Office Historical Marker
Park - Hope Church: Reformed Church in America Historical Marker
Park - Hope College Historical Marker
Park - Netherlands Museum Historical Marker
Park - Ninth Street Christian Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Ottawa Beach Historical Marker
Park - Third Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Van Raalte Farm Historical Marker
Park - Van Vleck Hall Historical Marker
Park - West Michigan Furniture Company Building Historical Marker
Park - Western Theological Seminary Historical Marker
Park - Noordeloos Historical Marker
Park - Noordeloos Christian Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Jamestown Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - South Olive Christian Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Jacobus Klanderman Homestead Historical Marker
Park - Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Marker
Park - Holland Harbor Historical Marker
Park - Marigold Lodge Historical Marker
Park - Waukazoo Woods Historical Marker
Park - DeWitt School Historical Marker
Park - First Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - New Groningen Historical Marker
Park - Jan Rabbers Historical Marker
Park - Groningen Historical Marker
Park - New Groningen Cemetery Historical Marker
Park - Zeeland Cemetery Historical Marker
Park - Eighteen Sixty-Nine Vriesland Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Drenthe Christian Reformed Church Historical Marker
Park - Woman's Literary Club Historical Marker
Park - Aloys Bilz House Historical Marker
Park - Riley Park
Park - Quincy Park
Park - Wendt Park
Park - Winstrom Park
Park - Lakeview Park
Park - DeGraaf Nature Center
Park - Moran Park
Park - College Avenue Park
Park - Centennial Park
Park - Denton Park
Park - Beechwood Park
Park - Smallenburg Park
Park - Van Raalte Farm Park
Park - Paw Paw Recreation Reserve
Park - Zeeland Stadium
Park - Brookwood Park
Park - Helder Park
Park - Hoagland Park
Park - Lawrence Park
Park - Huizenga Park
Park - Old Kent Pond Park
Park - Johnston Park
Park - Klaver Park
Park - Central Park
Park - Klempel Park
Park - Mercury Park
Park - Pottawattomie Park
Park - Tanglewood Park
Park - Kiert Island Park
Park - Minnie Skwarek Nature Reserve
Park - Fire Barn Park
Park - Coast Guard Park
Park - Ferrysburg Nature Preserve
Park - Sunnyside Park
Park - Water Tower Park
Park - Veterans Park
Park - Main Street Park
Park - Grove Street Park
Park - Mill Point Park
Park - Bicentennial Park
Park - Chinook Pier Park
Park - Hager Park
Park - Veterans Park
Park - Sunrise Park
Park - Hillside Park
Park - Hudsonville Nature Center
Park - Kirk County Park
Last Update
Related Companies
Foundation Park
Ottawa Park
Francis Park
Ottawa Park
Lakeside Historic District
Ottawa Park